Mother, wife, friend, step sister, step daughter, writer, art lover. I was raised primarily by my dad. He got sober when I was 7, and having no idea how to raise a daughter, he used the principles he learned in his sobriety. I base most of my choices and decisions on what I learned from him. My greatest strength is my ability to communicate directly and honestly. My mom was a volatile, unpredictable alcoholic, and I learned how to stay below the radar and appease her. I still struggle with wanting to fix or end difficult situations that cause anxiety, discomfort or fear. Therapy, meditation, walks, yoga and the support of friends help me stay healthy in mind and body. I've always been an observer, just on the edge of the popular groups in life where it was safer. I'd tell a 12 year old me that people can't love her in a healthy way if they don't love themselves. I'd tell her to love herself, to hold on to her dreams, and celebrate every little win along the way. I'm pretty happy in general with my body, and feel grateful for that. I’m a bit insecure about my middle - being short waisted and having three kids keeps me in a one piece bathing suit but I believe in focusing more on what's inside than the outside. I'm excited about being 53 and on the "back 9", having the time to be with my husband, and to put my writing and voice out into the world. Success to me is flexibility. Getting to be who I have waited to become. Having the money to do good things for my family. Success is peace. Happiness comes from awareness, gratitude, and self-love. Beauty is found in a gracious soul, a person whose goodness, joy and gifts resonate from the light in their eyes. In 10 years I want to be known for my writing. I want to be safe, healthy and strong. I wish people understood that I've been through a shit ton of dysfunction and trauma. I don't always talk about it because I don't want anyone to feel bad for me. All of that junk made me who I am today, and I really like that person. I am proud of my ability to work through anything. I love to smile, make people laugh, and communicate my truth. I value honesty, respect and acceptance. I am Beth and I am freakin’ amazing.