Mentor, daughter, sister and entrepreneur. I was raised by my incredibly resilient parents and was a bold, funny, care-free kid. My mother is my light. She always leaves me feeling energized & empowered. The day my sister was born was my best day. We are very close and I love her to pieces. My special gift is my ability to understand and relate to people on a deeper level and bring the best out in them. My greatest challenge is feeling inadequate. It's a daily struggle! I have to constantly remind myself to take stock of my value and the hard work I've put in so far. I try to celebrate the small things and let go of my inner perfectionist from time to time. I often feel like I don't fit in. I'm typically the only person of color in the room. Although I've adjusted to it it is something that is always there, in the back of my mind when I walk into a new situation. I'd tell a 12 year old me that she is beautiful and strong. That her body is amazing, because it's HERS. I'd tell her she has something that no one else has and not to let anyone or anything tell her otherwise. I feel most alive when I am moving my body, especially when I'm dancing! There is something so special about flailing your limbs around to a good beat. It never gets old! Happiness comes from mental and physical health, contentment, healthy relationships and self awareness. Beauty is found in authenticity and kindness. When someone shows the world their true self, that to me, is beautiful. I've been let down in relationship and I learned the importance of being upfront about my values. Time is far too valuable to waste on someone who doesn't have the same outlook on life. I think the recipe to a strong romantic relationship is excellent communication, honesty and a ton of good ole' quality time. I wish women spent less time criticizing and comparing. We are much more amazing and capable than we give ourselves credit for. In 10 years I hope to be happy! I hope to be content with my life and grateful for where I am in my journey. I am proud of my work ethic. I am Britney. I value honesty, loyalty, and authenticity. I am forever evolving & I love to share my passion for life with everyone.