Wife, daughter, sister, aunt, friend, & nurse. I believe in treating others the way you want to be treated. I'm hardworking and family oriented. My compassion for others is my greatest gift. I worry most about never getting the chance to be a mother. I've always been self-conscious of my weight. It's funny because now I look back at pictures and say to myself "wait! I thought I was fat then?!?!" At this point I'm thinking I looked damn good in those pictures! As an adult I’m able to remind myself that I'm strong & resilient. I'm more than a number on the scale. I nourish my body with healthy foods as best I can, I move my body, and I lift weights. I've felt not good enough more times than I wish to admit. I've held onto an overwhelming feeling of not being good enough in so many aspects of life. I constantly feel like I should be doing more. I can be my own worst enemy. I need to remember that I AM enough, and I do enough. I need to remember I'm a role model to my younger sisters and my nieces and I would never want any of them to feel this way. I'd tell a 12 year old me to continue being kind & to work hard for what she wants and believes in. I'd tell her there's so much hate in this world, but not to succumb to it. 2020 has taught me a lot about life and what's important. I'll never forget those lessons but I'm ready for the world to open back up. I'm ready to snuggle my brand-new niece and to go out with my girlfriends, and damn - do I miss live music! Happiness comes from faith, friends, communication, sleep, fresh air, salt water, coffee and baked goods. Beauty comes in so many shapes, sizes , colors and forms. It's found in someone who is vulnerable but also stands up for what they believe in. Beauty is found in someone who helps others. I wish women loved themselves more. I wish they judged and criticized themselves less. In 10 years I hope to be a mother. I hope to have even more nieces and nephews. I hope to be helping people - in some way, shape, or form. I'm proud of my nursing career -my dedication to my patients, their families, and my colleagues. I love to spend time with my family. I love to cook, bake, and help others. I’m Caroline. I am strong.