Wife, mother, nawnie, sister friend, encourager, entrepreneur, artist & deaconess. I was raised by my mom in a rough Dorchester neighborhood during the 60's & 70's with my younger brother and sister. I was a curious creative & comical kid. Getting an education was greatly emphasized at home and considered the key to a successful life. But at 17 heartbroken about a boyfriend's betrayal I left home. I was angry, hurt & uncertain. I went to live with my great grandmother and mostly ran the streets until I met the young man who would become my husband for the next 38 years. I’ve held onto the old story that I turned down the opportunity to go to college after high school because I was in love. We were young and it was a rocky road but we survived through the help of God and a willingness to learn about ourselves and a new way of living. My best day was when I graduated from Mass College of Art in 2007. I’m proud that I went back to school as an adult and got my B.A in fine arts. I've struggled with Sarcoidosis for about 30 years. Side effects from taking steroids for so long has led to more meds and more debilitating issues. I'm also a four year breast cancer survivor and the post cancer meds have their on set of side effects. At times I feel confined by fatigue and immobility but try to focus daily on what I can do and on doing things that help build up my "inner man". I'm insecure about my size but I'd tell a sister friend with the same insecurity to love her size and to find the beautiful qualities about it. I'm excited about my new online business, South Shore Technical Solutions where I do graphic design, video editing & offer virtual classes. I love my smile. I am sincere, spiritual and spontaneous. I am Karen. I am me. I'm independent. I am loving. I am a survivor.