Flynn's Family Farm. Easton, MA
Mom, wife, daughter, sister, photographer. I believe in saying sorry and I love you out loud to the people you love. I envy people who are completely unapologetic about who they are and what they’re passionate about. I've walked through my life with paralyzing fear of what other people think & of disappointing them. I've felt this need to make people happy, proud and comfortable with me. I've avoided conflict. I started to lose myself to people pleasing. To sending in a "representative" version of myself I thought would best serve those around me. I was a kind, empathic child. I fought for kids who were left out & bullied without hesitation. Life dampened that but I'm letting that trait shine again-it’s at the root of this project. I think our childhood selves often illuminate our best & truest selves. I'd tell a 12 year old me to believe in herself. That people aren’t thinking about her as much as she thinks and that their opinions sure as hell don’t define her worth. I'd tell her to open up and connect more. I'm guarded with the real stuff & crave deeper connections with true friends - I have very few. I've struggled with body image. Falling into "I just need to be a little thinner or a little fitter" then I'll be happy... I've found a good balance with food and exercise and feel comfortable in my skin lately - though plenty of thoughts still pop up about what I look like and not feeling enough. I was cheated on. It felt like a nightmare came true. Like someone squeezed & twisted my heart in their hands. I struggled with trust & self worth after that. I couldn’t even look people in the eye for a long while because I felt ashamed. I'm stronger now. I trust myself and know that no ones actions are a reflection of my character - ever. I feel lucky to have my brain, health & abilities. I LOVE being a mom even though it’s fucking hard and messy most of the time. I truly love the man I married. I think people who take pride in themselves & ooze self love are the most beautiful. Real connections come from vulnerability and happiness comes from being present & grateful. I’m Kristie and I’m far from perfect. I am doing my best - I am proud to be me.