Mother, daughter, sister, wife, coach, athlete and artist. I believe everything happens for a purpose, either to teach us something or to make us stronger. My greatest strength is my ability to inspire others through vulnerability. I've felt alone and isolated and in those times I looked to others who were vulnerable to inspire me. I left my day job in 2018 to pursue my own businesses in art and fitness. I remember feeling ungrateful for being so miserable in the "good jobs" that I had. I've come to realize they were good jobs, they just weren't meant for me. I had a different purpose. Yoga and spirituality helped me get to know myself and understand what really makes me happy. I'm now living my truth, finding ways to be resourceful with my abilities and talents. I believe the world needs more people living their truth. I struggle with imposter syndrome and sometimes feel like I'm not "making it". But I know the truth is that we never arrive, we need to trust the process. I fear failure, I've felt not good enough and because I really enjoy alone time I often feel like an outsider. I worry most about the future of my family's health. My little sister was recently diagnosed with breast cancer and we found out we are BRCA positive. Previous to this diagnosis my family had never gone through anything earth shattering. But the cancer diagnosis and having my baby girl Aria have helped me connect with my emotions and others on a deeper level. I'd tell a 12 year old me to enjoy being present and being creative. I'd tell her not to be afraid of not fitting in. I wish more women would be willing to open up and share their stories. You never know who else is out there going through the same thing. Success for me, is living life on my terms, making a living but also making a life with my family. Happiness comes from a life in balance. Beauty is found in kindness and selflessness. Life is precious and time is valuable. I believe in being grateful for every single day. I'm proud of my resilience and willingness to work through adversity. I am worthy. I am strong. I am Natalie. I love to better myself and better the lives of others.