Mother, sister, daughter, healthcare professional and cancer survivor. I value gratitude, truth and humility. I was raised by a village but mainly by my mother and grandmother. I am a healer and an ambassador of hope. My worst and most awakening day was the day I heard a doctor tell me I had cancer. I fear a world without love and I worry most about my children. I've always had a nurturing hand and desire to become a mom so becoming a mother was the best day of my life. I worry I won't be able to accomplish everything I set out to do before my time on earth expires. I've felt this urgency since a very young age and try to take it one day and one goal at a time. My biggest emotional insecurity is being vulnerable. I love my smile and am most insecure about my stretch marks. If I had a friend with the same insecurity though, I'd tell her those stretch marks should be a reminder of the miracle of our best creations. An old story I hold onto is one that involves childhood trauma and witnessing a triple homicide. The new story I am living by is that I want to seize every moment that brings me joy. I'd tell a 12 year old me that life will get hard but to remember that love always wins and to never allow the world to change her heart. I wish there was more equality and less inequity in the world. I'm excited about the power and influence of women in politics in 2020 and beyond. Success is doing what you love and finding purpose in it. Happiness comes from love, truth, compassion, understanding and support. Beauty is found in authenticity. A strong romantic relationship comes from time and love. I've learned in relationship that you cannot depend on others for your happiness. I wish women were more supportive and less judgemental. In 10 years I hope that my life, work and my humanity inspires generations to come. I am proud of my heart. I love that I have the capacity to love. I am Tuere. I am me and you are you. I am strong and determined. I am blessed.