Mother, partner, sister, daughter, advocate and teacher. I was raised by wonderful parents and was an empathetic, shy, nurturing kid. I'd say I'm an introvert but having a son with nonverbal autism has forced me to spread my wings in the most incredible ways. Hearing both of my children say MAMA for the first time was incredible. It's one of the only words my nonverbal son has ever spoken. I struggle to balance starting my career in Special Education Advocacy while being a Mother to a child with complex needs. I worry a lot about my kids. I always doubt if I'm doing enough for them and I am my own worst critic. At times, like when I'm at the park with my oldest son Adrian, I feel like I don't fit in. But then he smiles at me, happy as a clam, doing his own thing and I'm reminded that it doesn't matter if I "fit in". Who's to say what's typical anyways? I wish there was more genuine acceptance of neuro-diversity and less judgement on outward appearances and behaviors. I feel most alive when I am in my backyard with my kids and my partner. Success is happiness. Happiness comes from respect, kindness, empathy, acceptance and openness. Beauty is found in kindness. I wish women built each other up more instead of the behind the scenes judgement. Sadly I don't feel like I have a strong female tribe but a female light in my life is my Grammy. She let my family move in with her to save money for a house. She is strong and beautiful and I hope to have half her grace and wisdom one day. Ten years from now I hope to be in a position to help families like mine and children like my son Adrian. I want to help parents find ways of communicating with their nonverbal children as well as support them in their relationships with their school district. I want to be a Special Education Advocate and Communication Facilitator. I believe in treating others they way you want your loved ones treated and in never judging something you know nothing about. I am Alyssa. I am passionate, relentless and overly organized. I am proud of my passion for my family. I am STRONG.