Daughter, fiancé, dog mom, sister, business owner, personal trainer, foodie, health nut, my clients’ biggest fan. I have always feared being alone or suddenly being left by someone close to me. Growing up I was very attached to my parents - I remember having a hard time when they’d go anywhere. I thrive when I’m around others and when I was single I had a perpetual fear of ending up alone. I feel so lucky to have found the man I am going to spend the rest of my life with. Getting engaged on the beach in Costa Rica with my whole family there was the best day of my life. I was always a chubby kid. I never felt pretty or thin enough. Though I was popular, I was very self conscious. My greatest struggle has always been seeing my body in a positive light and believing that I’m beautiful, strong & confident. After finding myself in an emotionally abusive relationship at 24 I decided to compete in fitness competitions as a means to find more confidence. But after 4 years competing my mind and body began to get blurred. I tried to maintain my “show” look after every show which is unattainable. I got very sick and my worst day was when I was lying on the stretcher about to have emergency surgery for a perforated peptic ulcer not knowing what the outcome would be. I thought that if I lost my bikini competitor identity, if I wasn’t lean enough or if I didn’t have visible abs I would lose my clients. But I have a more positive body image now. I’m deeply passionate about the work I do & truly want to help my clients. I’d tell a 12 year old me that she is amazing, smart, & passionate. That wearing brand names won’t make her a better person and to get rid of anyone that isn’t making her feel good about herself. I wish there was less judgement in the world and more person to person connection. Happiness comes from honesty, laughter and passion in work. I am proud of my creativity and constant need to continue doing more. I love to connect and help others become the best version of themselves. I believe in authenticity, honesty & reliability. I am Naomi. I love to create and collaborate and believe the greatest beauty in life is building relationships.