Single mother, health coach, self care advocate, yoga teacher & studio director. I'm a survivor of childhood sexual abuse & made it through the devastation of a failed marriage. I've held onto the hurt men in my life have caused me & have found myself turning every man who’s loved me into a hateful person. I'm so afraid of reflecting that suffering onto my boys. I fear success. Isn't that crazy? After a lifetime of failures I'm not sure what success would feel like. Both my sons are type 1 diabetics & I'm constantly worried about them. It’s an awful disease. I was raised by divorced parents & believe I went undiagnosed with ADHD as a kid. The school system stuck me & the rest of the kids like me in the reject room & treated us like we were stupid. Eventually I joined the mainstream classes & got good grades. I was the first in my family to go to college. I did a year at Champlain & then got accepted to Northeastern - though I never went because we couldn’t afford it. I started experimenting with drugs around then & by 23 I felt like a POS. I began reflecting on my life & went to cosmetology school. I've never felt smart enough or good enough. My daily mantra now is "I AM good enough. I am smart enough. I am a f$&king goddess. I am love." I've been practicing yoga for over 26 years & I teach because I love it. It has helped me though my darkest days & with my sobriety from substance abuse. I don't fit the mold of a typical yogi. I'm not a size 2 & I can’t wrap my ankle around my head but I genuinely love to offer the practice of yoga to others with the goal of helping them heal. I want to truly love myself & continue positive inner dialogue. I am on the path of love. I believe happiness comes from love, laughter & being grateful for what you have. In 10 years I hope to be living in Concord, writing books, teaching yoga & running a nonprofit wellness program for struggling single moms & caretakers. I am proud of my perseverance and of being Mom to my 2 boys. I am Traci & I am more than my past struggles. I am intelligent. I believe in answering hate with love and embodying what brings you joy.