Mother, daughter, sister and friend. I believe in being kind and helping others. My special gift is my ability to love everyone. As a child I was afraid, sad and insecure. Now I'd say I'm strong, happy and brave. The best day of my life was the day I gave birth to my daughter. I worry most about her and her health. I struggle to find time for self-care and find it challenging to truly love myself. I remember feeling this way as far back as the 2nd grade - I'm still working on it. I feel not good enough all of the time but one of my daily mantras recently is "I AM good enough!" I've often felt like I don't fit in. I was teased and always felt like I was being compared to others. I'm insecure about my body and have a hard time looking in the mirror. If I had a friend who felt this way though, I'd tell her to love herself and that she IS good enough. I hold onto the old story that I'm never going to be as good as them. The new story I'm living by is that my past does not define me. I know I am here to serve a bigger and better purpose. I'd tell a 12 year old me that she is good enough! Not be afraid and that she can be and do anything she wants. To dream big! I wish there was more love and less hate in the world. I believe the ingredients to happiness are peace and laughter. Beauty is found in a GOOD soul. The recipe for a strong romantic relationship is mutual love, trust and support. I've been let down in relationships - I've learned that I need to love myself first before I can love another. I wish women gave more complements and gossiped less. I'm most excited right now about getting healthier and helping others do the same. In 10 years I hope to be physically and mentally stronger. I am proud of myself for stepping out of my comfort zone. I am Jenn. I love to laugh and I am GOOD enough!