Wife, Mom of 3, hospital chaplain and bereaved daughter. I love people. I love to hear their stories and reflect back to them their gifts and beauty. I'm good in crisis. In the midst of sadness, grief or chaos I can find my footing rather quickly. I worry most about being a good mom. I want my kids to have the same connection with me that I had with my mother. My worst day was the day my mom passed, my fathers funeral is a close second. My best day though, was when I found out I was having my daughter. I truly cried out of happiness, I always wanted a little girl. My emotional insecurity is wondering if I'm enough, if I'm a good enough mother, chaplain, writer and wife. Growing up I often felt I didn't fit in. I always felt more comfortable in the subcultures of punk and goth but as I matured those very ideals became my motivation for my spiritual journey. For years my struggle centered around my depression but I'm at a very unique turning point in my life. At 41, I struggle the most with the passing of both my parents while still being a parent to young children. As Nora McInery said, "you don't move on from your grief, you move forward with it." I am in the midst of how to move forward with it. I use self care, therapy, eating & sleeping well, and exercise to manage it. But my parents; their role in my life, their love and now their loss are interwoven into my story. It affects how I live, how I see the world and especially how I parent. The story I'm living by now is that I am exactly who I'm supposed to be. I'd tell a 12 year old me that boys are not worth her time. To figure herself out, her gifts and talents. Not to worry what others think. To me, success is a life well spent. Beauty lies in inner and physical strength and confidence. I am most proud to be mom to my 3 children and of the hard work it took to become a board certified chaplain. I never thought I'd enjoy being 40 but I really do. I'm excited about this stage of my life. I am a seeker of the meaning of life and our experiences. I believe in kindness, love and humor. I am Jess and I am passionate, insightful and authentic.