Daughter, friend, yoga student, instructor and lifelong learner. I value trust, love and kindness. My greatest strength is my ability to adapt quickly to any place or situation I’m in. I fear heartbreak and worry about letting people down. My greatest personal struggle is admitting that I have an unhealthy relationship with alcohol. I realized this around 26 and started taking action on it at 28. I started listening to my gut voice and recognized the dangers of the alcoholism that runs in my family. I began listening to the inner me that longs for freedom from alcohol and from the need to be drunk and blackout as an escape from reality. I witnessed as a child the destruction this causes a person and the people around them. It's been a lot of trial and error, but I feel I'm truly ready to stop drinking. I take it one day at a time and whenever the urge to have a drink, or stress around it arises, I try to connect to what is causing the urge or stress. I try to calm those feelings with another form of enjoyment like dancing, yoga, being outside, and talking with friends. Having a support system is huge. I've felt not good enough and have struggled with my self-esteem. But, the story I tell myself these days is that I am a strong, confident woman who listens to her heart. I am rooted in kindness that ignites every word, thought and action. I hold all trust in the universe and the choices made. I'd tell a 12 year old me that she doesn't have to "fit in" to be liked or prove that she's valued in life. I'd tell her life is about to get really rocky, but that she is so strong. That everything will be alright and to never give up. I wish there was more awareness and less greed in the world. Success to me, is being happy with the person I am. Happiness comes from kindness, gratitude, love and awareness. In 10 years I hope to be living off of my own produce. I'm so excited about moving to New Mexico with my mom this month! I am calm, open-minded and curious. I'm proud of my commitment to constantly learn and grow. I love to laugh, spread love and practice handstands :) I am Izzy. I am a beautiful being, just like you.